Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Tips for Staying on Track on the Weekend

Weekends can be tough when it comes to staying on track.⁣ ⁣

The normal weekly routine doesn’t usually apply to the weekends for most people.⁣ ⁣

Your schedules are different, running place to place, getting your errands done, and trying to enjoy the weekend.⁣ ⁣

I get it!⁣ ⁣

So here are some of my favorite tips for staying on track on the weekends.⁣ ⁣

1. Focus on protein! If you’re focused on protein you’re much more likely to make smarter choices when you’re in a bind.⁣ ⁣

2. Stay hydrated! We often forget how important hydration is when we are running around! And dehydration can feel a lot like hunger!⁣ ⁣

3. Pack snacks! I always carry some high protein snacks in my purse to make sure I have something healthy to grab if I need! Some of my favorites: protein bars, trail mix, shakes, jerky, & protein balls.⁣ ⁣

4. Move your body! Even if it’s just a 10min walk in the morning, getting your body moving will make you feel better!⁣ ⁣

5. Give yourself some grace! If you feel like a drink or a treat, have it! If you’re on the right path, having some of the things you love shouldn’t ruin anything!⁣ ⁣

What are your favorite tips for staying on track on the weekends?

#weekends #healthtips #stayingontrack #healthy #healthyliving #naturalhealth #nutrition #womenshealth

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