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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Meet Cindy

Today I wanted to share another amazing story from one of my clients with you.⁣ ⁣

I want you to “meet” Cindy.⁣ ⁣

Cindy struggled with yo-yo dieting almost her entire life. She was dealing some hormone issues, inflammation, and stress. And most of all she was desperate to change this.⁣ ⁣

She was exhausted, and hopeless. In our first conversation she told me she just figured she would have to deal with this for the rest of her life.⁣ ⁣

Let me tell you, I was as determined as she was to make sure this wasn’t the case.⁣ ⁣

We set a goal for her, and worked hard to get off on the right foot. We made sure we addressed the stress issues first, regulated her hormones and then targeted her weight.⁣ ⁣

In two short months Cindy was down 15lbs and over 25 inches⁣ ⁣

You can see how much of the inflammation is gone, and how much leaner she is getting.⁣ ⁣

But more than that Cindy has her life back. She gets to enjoy happy hour with co-workers or a party with friends without feeling guilty or like she “ruined her diet.” ⁣ ⁣

She knows how to fit the things she loves into her life while feeling really good.⁣ ⁣

And trust me, she had the same thoughts as you did before we started, “will it really work for me?” “Is this just going to be another thing I try and fail at?” “What if I can’t stay consistent?”⁣ ⁣

All of these are valid thoughts. But what I will tell you is the difference with this program is that You and I will have a check in call every week.⁣ ⁣

Every week we will touch base to see how everything is going and make adjustments accordingly.⁣ ⁣

I will not allow this to be another thing you don’t succeed at.⁣ ⁣

If something comes up, travel, a party, sickness, injury etc. I will be here to guide you so that you continue to make progress and navigate these things.⁣ ⁣

At this point, you have nothing to lose. It’s just a matter of you being ready or not.⁣ ⁣

I’m here and ready to help you! ⁣

Schedule a FREE call with my team to discuss what might be the best solution for you!

#weightlosstransformation #fatloss #weightloss #hormones #womenshealth #nutrition #eatforyourcycle #nutritionforwomen

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