Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

What Is All This Fatigue??

Fatigue is often misunderstood, especially when it comes to menopause.

Women often think fatigue is not a real thing or that it comes down to will-power to push through it.

This is heartbreaking! Fatigue is NOT your fault and it is very real.

So what is fatigue?

Fatigue is not a wave of tiredness. Fatigue will wipe you out even with your normal daily activities or BEFORE you even get to your normal activities! Fatigue can rob you of feeling alive.

Hormonally, fatigue is marked by a decrease in estrogen. Estrogen is in charge of so many things, like building and maintaining muscle mass! Women in menopause experience this drop in estrogen, which makes it so much harder to maintain muscle tissue and so much easier to store fat. This will contribute to more inflammation which also leads back to internal and external fatigue.

The good news is that there are ways to combat this hormonal drop and build up your body to withstand fatigue!

Hydration, different levels of vitamins and minerals, eating FOR your hormones, increasing protein intake, correct levels of carbohydrates, and so many other factors must be in balance so your body can function and your can live your best life!

If you need healing from fatigue, weight gain, hormonal mood swings, or any menopause symptoms, join the waitlist for my 12 week Menopause Solution TODAY!

Get added to the 12 Week Menopause Challenge Waitlist!! ????


I will be your personal coach to optimize your body and hormones, provide support and resources and walk you through a proven plan to heal your body from the inside out! By joining the waitlist, you will also receive a special promotion for the Menopause Solution group and more!

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