Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Things They Don’t Tell You About Health…

It takes time and work to wade through all the diets and exercise routines that encourage you to beat your body into shape. These are the plans that discourage you from loving yourself and leaning into your individual body.

It honestly boggles my mind that there are so many diets and exercise routines and health plans and yet women are left feeling defeated or confused.

This is because so few people are talking about the WHOLE PICTURE. Women’s bodies are complex and constantly changing throughout the month! 

One of the big keys to balancing these changes is with an approach that leans into the changes and encourages women to love the rhythms of their cycles, before, during and after menopause! 

When it comes to this full-body, hormone-centric way of living, there are some really important keys to balancing your hormones, managing weight and increasing your quality of life. One of these that is not talked about enough is STRESS. 

Managing stress is probably one of the biggest factors when it comes to hormone balancing and weight loss! A big key to managing stress is figuring out a system and an approach to get enough rest. 

Everyone is told to just eat less, or eat this, or workout this much or this way, and STILL women are discouraged at the lack of results! 

I am here to tell you this can change!

I have helped hundreds of women heal their bodies, transform their hormones and truly love life by leaning into the female cycles. 

You will succeed – I promise there is hope! Ditch the fad diets and extreme workouts and join the amazing tribe of women who are committing to change their lives in my 12 week Menopause Solution!! Registration is now officially OPEN!!

Click here to see if it’s a good fit for you:

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