The Female Health Solution Podcast

606. How To Test Your Methylation

An important and often unaddressed topic of health is methylation. Methylation is important for producing certain vitamins, neurotransmitters, hormones and more. Methylation is also a key part of our metabolism. This includes cell detox and growth,…


609. How Much Protein You Should Really Eat

We are talking about protein again?! YES. Protein is one of the big keys to restoring energy, hormone balance, muscle gain and fat loss. Most women that I work with are not eating enough protein, especially after dieting or calorie restriction. Keep…

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608. How Many Carbs You Should Really Eat

Let’s talk about carbs and how many you should actually be eating. Carbs get such a bad rap, when really they are essential for energy, hormone regulation and optimal nutrition.   There are so many positive ways to include carbs into your…

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607. The Worst Comments About Women’s Bodies

I recently posted a question on my instagram account “What’s the worst comment that has been made about your body/appearance? I’ll go first” and the responses were eye opening. I decided to discuss them on the podcast because it is truly mind boggling…

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606. How To Test Your Methylation

An important and often unaddressed topic of health is methylation. Methylation is important for producing certain vitamins, neurotransmitters, hormones and more. Methylation is also a key part of our metabolism. This includes cell detox and growth,…

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About the podcast

Are you struggling with your health, hormone issues, or weight?

Look no further, The Female Health Solution Podcast and host Dr. Beth Westie are bringing you cutting edge information specific for women.

Each week Dr. Beth dives into a different topic on women’s health, nutrition, hormones, weight loss and so much more. She gives you her best tips and tricks that you can start implementing right away.

Along with sharing her expertise she brings you leading experts in the Women’s Health field to share in depth information on their specialty.

If you are ready to take your heath, fitness, nutrition, and life to the next level be sure to “subscribe” and let’s dive in!

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