Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

I Feel Fat…


We’ve all said it. We’ve all been there.

Are you frustrated with your body? It’s a very easy to find yourself here. You have been following a healthy lifestyle for years and your body doesn’t seem to cooperate.

Menopause is one of the phases of life that can create some of the biggest physical changes for women and it is scary.

Here is something you need to know. Something that most diets, workouts and health books don’t tell you.

It is NOT your fault.

You have been told to beat your body and push it to do things that may not actually work for the hormonal changes of menopause. And you keep feeling like a failure when your body doesn’t respond, or your “willpower” isn’t strong enough.

It is NOT your fault.

There IS hope. There IS a way to enjoy life, LOVE your body, and see positive physical, emotional and mental changes.

If you would like to learn more, click this link:

You will get support from me and more information on what it looks like to work with me and heal your body!

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