Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Are you scared to eat fruit??

Women tell me all the time that they haven’t had fruit in years or they are scared that fruit will make them fat!

I remember seeing something that said “don’t eat bananas because they will make you fat!”

The truth is, its never just one food! You would have to eat an enormous amount of bananas on top of many other things, for it to be a cause of weight gain!

It’s really important to look at your diet as a whole! It’s not what you eat once, its what you eat all day and all week and what works specifically for YOUR body.

So, how do you reintroduce fruit? The female body does process sugars differently throughout the month and that is important, but it doesn’t mean you don’t ever eat fruit again! There are positive ways to enjoy fruit and reach your goals.

What we are talking about fruit sugars contributing to health issues, it would have to be a significant amount. Like a gallon of orange juice and nothing else to balance it!

Balancing the sugars is very important! You want to have a complete nutrient with your fruit. A good example would be apple slices, paired with nut butter and hemp seeds! I also love mixing chocolate protein powder with almond or peanut butter, spreading on apple slices and topping with hemp seeds.

Fruit also has some great micronutrients, especially like the peel of certain fruits! There is also a good amount of fiber in fruit which is great for your digestion.

The last thing I want to address is insulin resistance with fruit. If you are eating fruit by itself, it can cause a rise in your blood sugar, unless you pair it with protein and fat! Having all three macronutrients balances the sugars and prevents a significant spike.

If you have been missing out on fruit, hopefully this will encourage you to have freedom in your food choices! You can enjoy your fruit and still eat for your hormones.

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