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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Your diet should change throughout the month!

This seems like a novel idea, but really it makes so much sense for the female body. Most diets tell women to just cut calories or carbs or fat and keep doing that consistently until they’ve lost the weight. This is actually harmful to long term results!

The female body follows a cycle, about 28 days in length. Your estrogen phase begins with your period and your progesterone phase begins around day 14, when you ovulate.

These phases have a different purpose and your body responds differently to food, activity and pretty much everything from one week to the next!

When fueling your body, there are some important things to know about these phases.

Estrogen phase (days 1-14):

– Burns carbs easier
– Easier to build muscle (you can push yourself harder during this phase!)
– More energy

Progesterone phase (days 15- 28):

– Needs more nutrients! This is why women typically get cravings during these weeks. If you restrict during this phase, your metabolism can crash.
– Harder to build muscle (focus on recovery!)
– Slower digestion (hello, bloating!)

The breakdown of nutrients is something I guide women through in the 12 week program. This is so important for long term results – no crash diets here!

If you are ready to work with your body and see better results, the 12 week challenge is for you! The next step is to join the waitlist to get details. I only take a limited number of women through each program, and its already filling up fast! Grab your spot here:

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