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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Will eating fat make me fat?

So often women freak out when I talk about eating fat, because they are afraid of something so dense in calories. This mindset is all about calories and how to avoid eating too many.

For those of use who grew up in the low-fat craze, have this underlying mindset that fat is going to make us fat! Fat-free this, fat-free that. The truth is, your body NEEDS fat.

The needs of your system are individual and also based on your cycle! What nutrients you need in your estrogen phase are different from those in your progesterone phase.

Days 1-14 of your cycle (your estrogen phase) is typically when you will be burning more carbs!

Days 15-28 of your cycle (your progesterone phase) is when your body more efficiently burns and needs more fat! This is super important: during this phase, your Basal body temperature will be higher and if you are restricting fats, you will be triggering more cravings, brain fog, etc.

Here are some great healthy fats:

  • coconut oil: My favorite thing to make is fat bombs! I have an entire recipe book with protein balls and fat bombs!
  • grass-fed butter
  • Avocado, avocado oil
  • olive oil
  • grapeseed oil

This is one of the first things we work on in the 12 week challenge – eating for your cycle is a game changer for your results!

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