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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Where do sugar cravings come from?

Don’t let that Easter candy get you down!

It’s all about balance, and if you had a few pieces (or more!) of the easter chocolates, that’s ok!

But now is the perfect time to check in with your gut health, blood sugar levels and hormones and see what could be underneath those sugar cravings.

So how do some hormones play into this?

– Leptin: this hormone regulates your feeling of satisfaction/fullness
– Ghrelin – this hormone regulates your feeling of hunger
– Estrogens – helps manage blood sugar

It is not about willpower – it’s about having a natural balance of “hunger” and “fullness” cues!

If your estrogen is off, this could completely derail your sugar cravings. Do you ever feel out of control with your snacks or sugar? Your hormones are behind this!

It’s not willpower or dedication. Your system just needs the support to help you achieve success!

This is why it is so important to know what is going on with your hormone levels! One of the best tests is the DUTCH test which gets delivered directly to your home!

To get started on a DUTCH test, fill out the link:

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