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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie


Many women approach fasting like a quick fix or magic bullet and jump right in because they want to see some results! And fasting can be a really good tactic, at certain times and in a specific way.

The big issue, however, is that especially now, so many of us are under large amounts of stress.

If you are using intermittent fasting as a weight loss technique while your body is stressed, it can lead to the OPPOSITE effect: storing more fat.

For women that have an active cycle, your system has certain phases that are more susceptible to stress already (hello, progesterone phase!). In addition to this, we are dealing with these major socioeconomic changes in the world!

For women in peri menopause and menopause, your body will react like this to stress the MAJORITY of the time.

This increased stress can lead to nutrient depletion and cause issues with your metabolism, which in turn creates fat storage in your body.

If you try fasting before you are adequately fueled, you will feel exhausted and burnt out.

So how can you approach fasting the right way?

You need to start by building up your cycle with nutritional support! This includes protein pacing, carb cycling, seed cycling, eating for the phases of your hormones, etc.

Once you have built up this nutritional support, you are ready to start a specific schedule of fasting.

I have built all of this into my 12 week program! My spring group is now full, but we have the next group starting this summer.

If you are ready to work with your body, intermittent fast to have success and burn fat the BEST way, join the waitlist here:

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