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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

What to do about lower estrogen ????

When we look at the hormonal cycle, day 1 is marked by your period and day 14 is about when you ovulate.

Days 1-14 are the estrogen phase, when estrogen is higher. Days 15-28 are the progesterone phase, when progesterone is higher.

There are a number of things that can cause estrogen to be lower. Environmental toxins, medications, certain foods, stress, etc. can all decrease estrogen.

So why is estrogen important?

Estrogen affects your…

– metabolism
– digestion
– building muscle

To boost estrogen naturally, you can start with…

– supplements (this is unique to you, which is why I don’t list them here!)
– seed cycling – I have a ton of info and videos on the specifics of seed cycle, so check those out!
– cooling foods – there are foods that enhance the cooling function of estrogen.

I am opening up spots in my VIP program for women who want to learn about their hormones and health individually! This is where we can dive into your specific needs and I will create an entire protocol to optimize your individual body.

Click the link to learn more:

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