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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

What Low Carb Actually Does to Your Hormones

I will start by saying this information is meant for the majority of women – there is a small percentage of women that need a reduced carb diet for certain reasons!

The majority of women actually benefit from having a regular amount of carbs and a balance of proteins, fats and carbs!

So speaking to general female physiology, there is a lot of misinformation regarding carbs and women – most of the research for these low carb diets is done on men.

The long term results of low carb on hormones can harm your overall health and goals…

The first thing to realize is that the female body is actually designed to store fat, and if its placed on a restrictive diet or perceives nutrient restriction, your system will go into a protective mode. This applies to things like low calorie, low carb and restrictions of any nutrients.

Here is what that can look like:

  • Increased Cortisol Risk
  • Increased Estrogen
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Decreased Metabolism

There are, however, healthy ways to support your hormones and fat burning at the same time. For example, I teach women how to intermittent fast – for the female body – in my 12 week program. And it does look different than fasting for the male body! There are safe ways to fast and enter ketosis for a short period of time and not put stress and nutrient restriction on the body.

If you have already put your body through some restrictions and have a slower metabolism, imbalanced hormones, or excess fat storage, I would love to help you!

For more information, join the 12 week waitlist here:

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