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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY – Protein Pacing!

I have received so many questions on how I approach protein pacing! Protein is essential for boosting your metabolism and getting the results you want.

I am going to detail out a scenario of what I might eat in a typical day. Is this my meal plan for every day?


What I eat day to day is going to change, based on where I am in my cycle, my stress levels, my activity levels, etc. I am also 6’2” so my needs are different than yours!

Keep in mind, for maximum protein absorption you also need carbs!

Meal 1: Coffee protein shake (coffee, protein powder, coconut oil, almond creamer, cinnamon or peppermint oil for warming or cooling phase of my cycle) – 40 g

Meal 2: 4 eggs, greens, sweet potato – 25 g

Meal 3: Smoothie Bowl: Granola, hemp, chia – 45 g

Meal 4: Rice cake + PB +Hemp – 20 g

Meal 5: Chicken, salad, quinoa – 40 g

Meal 6: “Belly Buster”, if I need the extra protein or trying to break a plateau (this is essentially a protein only boost at night) – 20 g

This is a total of 170 – 190g of protein (with or without the belly buster!!!)

This format can be altered to fit your food preferences, protein needs and your family needs too!

If you need more protein in your diet (and chances are, you do!) and want to learn how to protein pace for your individual needs, I would love to work with you.

I have a few openings for one on one coaching, which will guide you through protein pacing, carb cycling, supplements, eating for your cycle, etc.

For more information, click the link here:

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