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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Thyroid and Weight loss

Your thyroid impacts your metabolism and hormones! So many women struggle with an under active or over active thyroid, and it can manifest itself in so many different ways.

If your thyroid is struggling, it almost doesn’t matter how much effort you are putting into nutrition, exercise, etc. because it plays such a big part in your symptoms!

I can speak from personal experience, because I struggled with thyroid issues after each of my pregnancies… it was horrific. I was on thyroid medication for a while, but was able to discover how to use nutrition and a holistic approach to wean myself off and regulate my thyroid naturally!

When it comes to weight loss, thyroid impacts:

– Energy
– Metabolism

Your thyroid can be in even worse shape If you…

– are under extra stress
– have not been eating sufficient nutrients, or done any restrictive dieting (low carb, fasting, reduced calorie, etc)
– have hormonal issues

It can be tempting to want to start supplementing or trying new diet changes if you suspect a thyroid issue, but the trouble with that is many of the symptoms (fatigue, weight gain, low energy, etc) can overlap into other areas of the body as well.

I recommend getting a comprehensive view point of your whole body (testing, consultation, individualized supplement, nutrition, lifestyle protocols, etc). If you are interested in my process for this, fill out an application to work with me and we can talk:

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