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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

The Weight Loss Lie

Are you believing the weight loss LIE??

There is a big lie that has been told to women for years and it needs to stop!

Women are working too hard following diets and over-exercising, when it is HARMING their health, not helping it!

Here is the lie:

– Restrict: you need to restrict calories and enjoyable foods to lose weight.
– Overwork: overexercise and kill yourself in the gym (while restricting calories!) to lose weight
– Ignore: ignore any other indication of health as long as the scale is moving in the right direction

Horrible, right?! And yet so many of us have paid hundreds of dollars to be a part of the lie and lose some weight.

There is a BETTER way.

Here is the truth:

– Nourish: eat plenty of food to protect your hormones and boost your metabolism.
– Enjoy: Move your body differently throughout your cycle and in ways you actually enjoy!
– Embrace: embrace your bodies natural ability to burn fat and achieve great things when it is properly nourished and loved.

And guess what, you WILL see weight loss results!

This what I teach women in the 12 week program – how to eat for your cycle, balance your hormones, boost your metabolism and exercise properly for YOUR body.

And guess what? It FEELS good! You won’t feel restricted and it almost seems too easy!

If you are done with the lies and want to achieve long lasting results, the 12 week program is for you!

The best way to learn about the program and have a priority spot is to join the waitlist – which is already filling up!!

Don’t wait, join the waitlist here:

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