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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

The TRUTH about calories

This is how I feel when people tell me that counting calories is the way to lose weight… the TRUTH is:

It’s not about the calories! And here’s why.

All calories we get from foods are not created equal!! Calories are calculated based on how macronutrients are burned/used. And it differs from one macronutrient to the next.

Our basic macronutrients are:

  1. Protein – 4 calories per gram (lasts in your system for 2-3 hours)
  2. Fat – 9 calories per gram (up to 4 hours of energy)
  3. Carb – 4 calories per gram (up to 1 hour of energy)

The different in how these work in your system is really important. Here’s an example of what I mean:

Take 100 calories of gummy bears vs 100 calories of almonds. They are both 100 calories of energy! But your body is going to burn through these very differently.

So its really not just about the calorie amounts you are taking in. What matters more is what nutrients you are taking in!

So, stop counting calories and start counting your nutrients! This will make a huge difference in your health and results.

If you are curious about what nutrients you need at certain times in your cycle for the best results, schedule a consult call for the 12 week program!

Schedule your call here:

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