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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

The Effects of Birth Control on Your Hormones

Any time you take something with a hormone in it, it will travel everywhere in your body and you can have systemic side effects from it! This means that any form of birth control that has a hormone can affect your body from head to toe.

There are methods like the copper IUD that are not hormonal, so these can be a good alternative.

When you are taking an exogenous hormones, it will shift and change things internally.

As a reminder, the hormonal cycle runs approximately 28 days and estrogen is dominant days 1-14 and progesterone is dominant days 15-28.

Hormonal birth control will often dampen the hormone cycle so that there isn’t a natural ebb and flow. I recommend that women on BC still eat for their cycle, follow seed cycling, etc. to help with your body’s natural pattern and help ease some symptoms you may have.

Another thing to remember, you are often not ovulating while on certain types of birth control. If you go off of BC and want to get pregnant, you have to do some things to kick start your fertility!

If you are on birth control or have been on and you are struggling with some hormonal imbalances or symptoms, join the waitlist for the 12 week program for more information here:

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