219. Reclaim Your Life with Dr. Lauryn Brunclik
Dr. Lauryn Brunclik, DC is a walking talking example of the messiness and dichotomy of life. She loves Jesus, but will definitely drop an F bomb or two. She was determined to build a large chiropractic business, but moved to town of 2500 people in the…

218. Q&A – All about Peri-menopause!
I am dedicating today’s episode to answering your questions related to Peri-menopause! I cover a wide range of topics from “what marks the start of peri-menopause?” to “what age do women typically enter peri-menopause?” Peri-menopause can be a…

217. A Special Mother’s Day Episode
I am dedicating today’s episode to all the mamas out there! Whether you have biological children, adopted/foster children, fur babies, you are a mom! Being a mom comes with its struggles and celebrations. In this episode, I discuss some…

216. All Things Brain Health
I am dedicating today’s episode to discussing brain health and things to consider to support mental clarity. Most of our energy goes into nutrition and exercise, when brain health is just as important. In this episode, I discuss the research on…

215. Sexuality, Spirituality and Health with Haley Helveston
Haley Helveston, is a Holistic Health Coach turned Relationship Coach for women. She is all about empowering women to have healthier relationships with themselves. She empowers her clients sexuality, spirituality, and in their health. She left…

214. Living in a Stress Body
I am dedicating today’s episode to discussing living in a stress body and what we can do about it. Many of us are under extra stress these days and it can have a huge impact on your health. In this episode, I discuss food allergy flare ups,…

219. Reclaim Your Life with Dr. Lauryn Brunclik
Dr. Lauryn Brunclik, DC is a walking talking example of the messiness and dichotomy of life. She loves Jesus, but will definitely drop an F bomb or two. She was determined to build a large chiropractic business, but moved to town of 2500 people in the…

218. Q&A – All about Peri-menopause!
I am dedicating today’s episode to answering your questions related to Peri-menopause! I cover a wide range of topics from “what marks the start of peri-menopause?” to “what age do women typically enter peri-menopause?” Peri-menopause can be a…

217. A Special Mother’s Day Episode
I am dedicating today’s episode to all the mamas out there! Whether you have biological children, adopted/foster children, fur babies, you are a mom! Being a mom comes with its struggles and celebrations. In this episode, I discuss some…

216. All Things Brain Health
I am dedicating today’s episode to discussing brain health and things to consider to support mental clarity. Most of our energy goes into nutrition and exercise, when brain health is just as important. In this episode, I discuss the research on…

215. Sexuality, Spirituality and Health with Haley Helveston
Haley Helveston, is a Holistic Health Coach turned Relationship Coach for women. She is all about empowering women to have healthier relationships with themselves. She empowers her clients sexuality, spirituality, and in their health. She left…

214. Living in a Stress Body
I am dedicating today’s episode to discussing living in a stress body and what we can do about it. Many of us are under extra stress these days and it can have a huge impact on your health. In this episode, I discuss food allergy flare ups,…
About the podcast
Are you struggling with your health, hormone issues, or weight?
Look no further, The Female Health Solution Podcast and host Dr. Beth Westie are bringing you cutting edge information specific for women.
Each week Dr. Beth dives into a different topic on women’s health, nutrition, hormones, weight loss and so much more. She gives you her best tips and tricks that you can start implementing right away.
Along with sharing her expertise she brings you leading experts in the Women’s Health field to share in depth information on their specialty.
If you are ready to take your heath, fitness, nutrition, and life to the next level be sure to “subscribe” and let’s dive in!