The Female Health Solution Podcast

269. How to Start Over

I am dedicating today’s episode to discussing starting over. Starting over with your health plan, nutrition, or really anything in life. As we are closing out this year, it’s easy to look over the last year and only see the negatives, right? …


268. How to Set Boundaries

I am dedicating today’s episode to discussing the importance of boundaries. Mental and emotional health has a big link to your health, and people in your life can impact this.  Women who have a lack of setting boundaries can have a harder time…


272. Q&A – What to Know About Stress Pt. 1

I am dedicating this episode to answering your questions related to stress and the female body, part one. I am joined by my co-host Dr. Victoria Nelson, and we cover a wide range of questions from “How does stress affect your energy levels?” to “How…

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270. Habits to Improve Your Health

I am dedicating today’s episode to discussing the importance of habits and how to use them to improve your health. Forming habits can seem overwhelming at first, but once you learn how to get in a routine, it can make a huge difference. …

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269. How to Start Over

I am dedicating today’s episode to discussing starting over. Starting over with your health plan, nutrition, or really anything in life. As we are closing out this year, it’s easy to look over the last year and only see the negatives, right? …

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268. How to Set Boundaries

I am dedicating today’s episode to discussing the importance of boundaries. Mental and emotional health has a big link to your health, and people in your life can impact this.  Women who have a lack of setting boundaries can have a harder time…

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About the podcast

Are you struggling with your health, hormone issues, or weight?

Look no further, The Female Health Solution Podcast and host Dr. Beth Westie are bringing you cutting edge information specific for women.

Each week Dr. Beth dives into a different topic on women’s health, nutrition, hormones, weight loss and so much more. She gives you her best tips and tricks that you can start implementing right away.

Along with sharing her expertise she brings you leading experts in the Women’s Health field to share in depth information on their specialty.

If you are ready to take your heath, fitness, nutrition, and life to the next level be sure to “subscribe” and let’s dive in!

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