528. 6 Ways To Repair Your Gut
On this episode, I am discussing the importance of GI repair for women with digestive issues, and the 6 “R’s” to heal your gut! The first R is “remove,” which involves eliminating any irritants from the system. The second R is “reduce,”…

527. How to Deal With Bloating
Many women struggle with bloating, even while eating a nutrient dense diet. There are so many factors to why you may have experience belly bloat – what and when you are eating, how much water you are taking in, the stress you are under, hormone…

526. What Is Toxic Overload?
Toxic overload occurs when your body struggles to eliminate toxins effectively. Factors like poor detoxification, nutrient depletion, and impaired gut function can contribute to this overload. As a result, harmful substances and hormones build up in…

525. How To Detox Naturally
Detoxification in the body happens naturally, however, many women need additional detox support. Genetics, disease and inflammation are just a few reasons that you would need to assist the body with detox. The frequency of detox techniques and…

524. I Went Low Carb and Gained Weight!
I’ve heard from so many women that Low Carb/Keto made them GAIN weight. It might not have been an initial gain, but over time or after going off the diet, things got worse! I am dedicating today’s episode to sharing more about the dangers of…

523. Protein: The Key To Weight Loss
Let’s talk about protein and the impact on weight specifically. Protein is one of the big keys to restoring energy, hormone balance, muscle gain and fat loss. Most women that I work with are not eating enough protein, especially after chronic dieting…

528. 6 Ways To Repair Your Gut
On this episode, I am discussing the importance of GI repair for women with digestive issues, and the 6 “R’s” to heal your gut! The first R is “remove,” which involves eliminating any irritants from the system. The second R is “reduce,”…

527. How to Deal With Bloating
Many women struggle with bloating, even while eating a nutrient dense diet. There are so many factors to why you may have experience belly bloat – what and when you are eating, how much water you are taking in, the stress you are under, hormone…

526. What Is Toxic Overload?
Toxic overload occurs when your body struggles to eliminate toxins effectively. Factors like poor detoxification, nutrient depletion, and impaired gut function can contribute to this overload. As a result, harmful substances and hormones build up in…

525. How To Detox Naturally
Detoxification in the body happens naturally, however, many women need additional detox support. Genetics, disease and inflammation are just a few reasons that you would need to assist the body with detox. The frequency of detox techniques and…

524. I Went Low Carb and Gained Weight!
I’ve heard from so many women that Low Carb/Keto made them GAIN weight. It might not have been an initial gain, but over time or after going off the diet, things got worse! I am dedicating today’s episode to sharing more about the dangers of…

523. Protein: The Key To Weight Loss
Let’s talk about protein and the impact on weight specifically. Protein is one of the big keys to restoring energy, hormone balance, muscle gain and fat loss. Most women that I work with are not eating enough protein, especially after chronic dieting…
About the podcast
Are you struggling with your health, hormone issues, or weight?
Look no further, The Female Health Solution Podcast and host Dr. Beth Westie are bringing you cutting edge information specific for women.
Each week Dr. Beth dives into a different topic on women’s health, nutrition, hormones, weight loss and so much more. She gives you her best tips and tricks that you can start implementing right away.
Along with sharing her expertise she brings you leading experts in the Women’s Health field to share in depth information on their specialty.
If you are ready to take your heath, fitness, nutrition, and life to the next level be sure to “subscribe” and let’s dive in!