The Female Health Solution Podcast

61. Miscarriage

Miscarriage is something that a lot of women will experience at some point in their lives, but it’s not often talked about. How can we heal after? Not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. What is normal to experience?  In this…


60. When do you need a coach?

Someone recently said to me “I think everyone needs a coach.” And I so agree with this statement for the most part. We can’t all be experts in everything, so if there is an area you’re focusing in on, why not get someone to help you who knows what…


61. Miscarriage

Miscarriage is something that a lot of women will experience at some point in their lives, but it’s not often talked about. How can we heal after? Not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. What is normal to experience?  In this…

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60. When do you need a coach?

Someone recently said to me “I think everyone needs a coach.” And I so agree with this statement for the most part. We can’t all be experts in everything, so if there is an area you’re focusing in on, why not get someone to help you who knows what…

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59. What are you still putting up with?

I was recently on a phone call with a woman in my current 12 Week Program, and some of the things she was telling me as far as results goes, was blowing my mind. Weight loss sure, inches gone yep. More energy, better workouts, etc. etc. But what a lot…

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57. How is Overwhelm Derailing Your Life?

As a mom of three, who runs her own business I am as guilty as the next person of taking on more than I can handle. Often this leads to the feeling of overwhelm. Lately I’ve been feeling this in more aspects of my life, and it was time to take a step…

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56. Healing Your Thyroid with Justine Clark

Justine is a certified health coach, certified group fitness instructor, and master of habit change. Most of her life she had struggled with anxiety, depression, and fatigue. She was quickly thrown into the autoimmune world with a suspicious thyroid…

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About the podcast

Are you struggling with your health, hormone issues, or weight?

Look no further, The Female Health Solution Podcast and host Dr. Beth Westie are bringing you cutting edge information specific for women.

Each week Dr. Beth dives into a different topic on women’s health, nutrition, hormones, weight loss and so much more. She gives you her best tips and tricks that you can start implementing right away.

Along with sharing her expertise she brings you leading experts in the Women’s Health field to share in depth information on their specialty.

If you are ready to take your heath, fitness, nutrition, and life to the next level be sure to “subscribe” and let’s dive in!

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