The Female Health Solution Podcast

655. How To Exercise For Menopause

Menopause is not a death sentence to your fitness and energy.   Yes, our bodies will be prone to store belly fat and lose muscle tone as we age but you can actually see some pretty amazing results and feel that energy again if you know how…

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651. Getting Pregnant With Endometriosis

You absolutely can get pregnant with endometriosis.  That being said, endo can also be a barrier to pregnancy, and it depends on how severe your tissue growth is, where it’s located and other hormone levels that may be out of balance. …

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650. How To Hydrate Properly Using Minerals

You’ve heard the mantra “hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.” We try to hit half our body weight in ounces per day, right? The problem: many people consume ultra-filtered water, which is devoid of the minerals our bodies need. This type of “dead…

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About the podcast

Are you struggling with your health, hormone issues, or weight?

Look no further, The Female Health Solution Podcast and host Dr. Beth Westie are bringing you cutting edge information specific for women.

Each week Dr. Beth dives into a different topic on women’s health, nutrition, hormones, weight loss and so much more. She gives you her best tips and tricks that you can start implementing right away.

Along with sharing her expertise she brings you leading experts in the Women’s Health field to share in depth information on their specialty.

If you are ready to take your heath, fitness, nutrition, and life to the next level be sure to “subscribe” and let’s dive in!

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