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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Naturally boost progesterone!

Days 1-14 are the estrogen phase, when estrogen is higher. Days 15-28 are the progesterone phase, when progesterone is higher.

What is so important about progesterone? Progesterone is directly involved in preparing the female body for a viable pregnancy every month. This means that your digestive system might slow down, you might have less energy, disrupted sleep, and need more calories and rest!

Your body goes through some big changes during the progesterone phase, like changes in blood volume, changes in fluid levels. Your uterus size is bigger!

So how can you support your cycle with these big changes?

  • Warming Foods
  • Spices (and hot sauce!)
  • Sesame & Sunflower seed cycling

Because your core temperature is higher during the progesterone phase, these steps are designed to enhance the natural warming and fat burning that your body is going through.

It’s COMMON, but not NORMAL, to feel horrible the week before your period every month! If this is you, I want to help!

If you are noticing that you struggle with hormonal issues, fill out an application to work with me one on one. I am opening up spots in my VIP program for women who want to learn about their hormones and health individually! This is where we can dive into your specific needs and I will create an entire protocol to optimize your individual body.

Click the link to learn more:

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