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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Let’s talk about nutrient depletion…

As a culture, we are often overfed and undernourished. This can be especially true of women who are also struggling with hormonal issues.

Here’s the deal. If we see a woman who is fit and eats “the right things”, we often assume that she is healthy. Our society is obsessed with size but that is not an accurate indicator of health! Just because you don’t see nutrient depletion, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

For example, most people (especially those that live in colder areas with less sun exposure) are Vitamin D deficient! Its important to consider getting your levels checked and remember, it can take some time for your system to actually respond to the supplements.

If you have access to sunlight (without getting frostbite!), you need about 15-20 minutes of exposure on your arms and face, fully exposed. If you have this option, go for it! If you are like me, and live in the freezing north, supplementing is the best option!

There are some other key nutrients that women are typically deficient in, like protein!

Are you getting enough protein to combat extra stress? Are you in menopause? In situations like these, you probably need double the protein you are actually getting.

One of the very first things I teach in the 12 week program is how much protein you need for your body and individual circumstances.

Another top deficiency for women is Iron. I often tell women to cook their food in a cast iron pan, because the iron from the pan will actually cook into your food and give you a boost!

Here are some general things you may feel with nutrient depletion:

  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Weight Gain or inability to lose

Keep in mind that these are very general. In my 12 week challenge, I spend time with women individually to tailor the program to their bodies and needs!

If you want to know more, join the 12 week waitlist here:

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