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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Inconsistency and dieting

When women start a health program, typically there is a lot of enthusiasm right off the bat! Motivation is high!

But motivation is NOT reliable! Let’s take this example of a typical weight loss plan:

Month 1: 1500 calories/day – you start off strong and see some initial results due to the calorie restriction.

Month 2: 1200 cal/day – you aren’t seeing the quick results you saw in month 1 so you cut calories even more!

Month 3: Binge time! You feel tired, hungry and you can’t get to the gym because your energy and metabolism is so low, due to the calorie restriction!

Month 4: 1500 cal/day – You feel bad that you “failed” at the diet and figure if you just had more motivation, you could stick to the lower calories! So you recommit.

Month 5: 1200 cal/day – you repeat the cycle above!

Month 6: You go off the plan again and eat everything in sight! And guess what? Your weight goes back up to MORE than when you started!

Does this look familiar?! Each time a woman follows this diet cycle, she slows her metabolism down more and your cortisol response increases and causes you to gain more fat.

So what should you do instead?!

1. Do NOT count your calories
2. Work with your hormones
3. Eat ENOUGH protein, carbs and fats
4. Get enough rest

This is very general, but once you dive into the specifics for your body, you will FEEL so much better and actually see the results you want, WITHOUT starving yourself!

If you are done with the diets and ready to transform your health, the 12 week program is the place for you. We are opening registration SOON and spots are limited! Join the waitlist to grab your spot now:

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