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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

“I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been!”

“I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been!”

I have been hearing this from so many women recently, and these are women who have been working out 5 days a week, watching their diet, and working towards results!

It can be so disheartening to see the scale go up, even when you are putting in the work to change your lifestyle. What’s really going on here?

True fat loss isn’t just a calories in, calories out situation, even though diet culture would say otherwise. The female body is much more complex!

It is so important to look at things beyond diet and exercise like hormones, sleep, stress, nutritional deficiencies and genetics, to get a clear path for long term results and true fat loss.

It’s also important to discuss mindset around weight and size. Are you striving to fit into a dress you wore in high school? Do you expect your body to look the same after having children? Sometimes, we (or the world around us), have unfair expectations of our bodies that would require extreme measures to achieve.

The first step in setting appropriate goals for your body is to have loving and achievable expectations for yourself – this can be a hard one!

Once we agree to honor and respect our individual bodies, there are so many tools that we can implement to see those physical results. DUTCH hormone testing is a big one! This is included in my 12 week program so that we can create a plan that is individual to you and your needs.

If you are ready to love your body, eat PLENTY of food, regulate hormones, improve your sleep, reduce your stress, build muscle and burn fat, join the waitlist for the next 12 week group!

12 Week Program Waitlist:

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