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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

I want to END the diet-binge cycle

Most of us have been there. Restricting calories and micromanaging the scale for any slight drop in weight, only to find ourselves half way through a bag of chips late in the night.

This is not self-love – this is how the diet industry makes money.

So many women blame themselves for the binge. “If only I had more willpower!” Here’s the thing. You only have a finite amount of willpower in a day. And all day long you are using that willpower to restrict foods and nutrients, you will slowly start to get hungrier and physically and mentally drained.

You will run out of willpower by 5 pm!

There are other areas in your life that will suffer when starve your body. Laundry, going to the gym, picking up your kids from school… if you are running on a deficit you will be drained. And your body’s survival mechanism is to need food. Binging is a natural reaction and it has nothing to do with willpower!

So how can we end this cycle??

It starts with feeding your body enough nutrients! One of my favorite ways to do this is with Protein pacing!

Protein pacing:

Breakfast – 20 g

Snack – 20 g

Lunch – 20 g

Snack – 20 g

Dinner – 20 g

This is a great way to ensure that you are pacing your nutrients throughout the day to reduce any need to binge!

Remember to eat carbs and fats as well to get a complete nutrient profile in each meal.

This is one of the first steps of my 12 week challenge and the women who get started on this are thrilled when they discover they can eat MORE and still lose weight.

If you are ready to end the restrictive diets and endless binges, sign up for a free consult call here:

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