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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie


PCOS (poly cystic ovary syndrome) is a really painful and frustrating condition! I struggled with PCOS so I know this on a first hand basis.

One of the toughest things that accompanies PCOS: irregular blood sugar levels!

So, of course, intermittent fasting is what many people recommend right off the bat.

Because of the blood sugar levels, women with PCOS often experience fatigue and cravings, which makes it difficult to stick to a health plan or fasting.

The important factor here is having a very specific fasting plan and nutrition plan that supports your body, will reducing your symptoms of PCOS.

So what does a fasting plan look like for women with PCOS?

– Prime Body with nutrients (mainly protein!) – do not just jump into a diet or intermittent fasting without properly supporting your body with nutrition first! This is a common mistake for women with PCOS.
– Step into fasting SLOWLY: Do not jump right into an extreme fasting plan! Slow, consistent steps will be much better for your body.
– Manage stress (adaptogens)
– Snack if needed
– Hydrate (minerals/electrolytes)

I have designed the 12 week program to incorporate fasting tailored to YOUR body.

This includes the right nutrition priming for fat burning, a fasting schedule that is attainable and sustainable, supplements to support your system, and constant support and coaching!

If this is something you’ve been looking for, if you feel like this is the missing piece for you, then you’re going to want to get on the waitlist.

I only run 4 of these throughout the year, and I keep them small in order to give each woman in the program the individual one to one attention they deserve, so join the waitlist now:

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