Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Fatigue is hurting your results!⁠

Fatigue is hurting your results!⁠

Does it feel like you are putting in the effort and seeing little to no results??⁠ This is such a common and frustrating scenario for women. Your body may be sending you cues in the form of fatigue.⁠

If you are tired often (or all the time!) or can’t recover from workouts, your body is telling you something!⁠

Fatigue typically indicates an issue with your hormones: cortisol levels and adrenals.⁠

IF you have had a stressful job, relationship stress, birthed/raised children, gone through trauma, etc your hormones are most likely out of whack.⁠

Let’s look at a common fatigue pattern:⁠

– Morning: Zombie hour – you might be awake but you don’t feel awake or energized in the morning.⁠

– Afternoon: 3 pm Dip – this is when many people reach for the second, third or fourth cup of coffee!⁠

– Evening: Run out of gas – when you reach the end of your day, you feel completely run down and done.⁠

– Late night boost (sometimes) – women will often get a second wind late at night (when you need to get good quality sleep!) and the cycle starts over again.⁠

When you experience this type of fatigue, your body needs a couple different things.⁠

Proper fuel (nutrition), hydration, proper movement & rest, and typically some supplements.⁠

These are just a few of the things that I include in my one to one coaching. Overcoming fatigue is not a matter of willpower or force – you need small, consistent changes in each area of your life!⁠

If this sounds like you, I would love to invite you to work with me individually. I have just opened a few one to one coaching spots – grab a spot today! ⁠

Learn more about the 1 to 1 program here:

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