Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Fad diets are making you GAIN weight!

So many women get frustrated because we are told to focus on short term health goals that really don’t apply to our bodies long term.

Women, on average, go on FOUR diets a year!


Because the diets are not working!!

Often times, one tactic or focus is not enough to get a result that encourages us to keep going!

When I work with women, I often use about 8 tactics AT ONCE to work holistically to get results that will LAST.

Looking at the female cycle, throughout the month you have four different bodies throughout the month. It is so important to remember this when it comes to weight loss.

For example, If you are weighing yourself on day 7 and comparing yourself to day 28, you are going to have a discrepancy in weight!!

Say you weight 150 lb and your goal is 140 lb. You might say “10 pounds? easy! I will just do a quick fix diet to get there” You might get to 142, but your metabolism will slow down and you won’t be able to stay there in the long term.

And what happens the minute you go on vacation and stop dieting? The weight goes back up!

You might go right back on the diet, but the weight only goes down to 148 this time. You are doing the SAME restrictive tactics and they aren’t working this time!

Your body is reacting to starvation! It has a fat storage mechanism to protect itself in times of stress and starvation.

The more times you follow the restrictive pattern, the slower your metabolism gets. This impacts your digestive system, your weight loss, and hormones.

How do you get beyond this cycle?

1. Stop restrictive dieting
2. Work with your hormones
3. Work with your stress levels
4. Focus on your energy and digestion
5. Work on your lean muscle

If you are ready to move beyond the dieting, and begin healing your metabolism and hormones, the waitlist for my next 12 week program is now open!

Click the link for more info: www.drbethwestie.com/waitlist

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