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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Exercise for your cycle

Are you protecting your hormones when you workout?

Here are some things you might experience if you are NOT honoring your cycle when you workout:

– fatigue
– decreased mood
– weight GAIN
– slower results
– decreased performance

Not great, right?

The good news: you can work with your cycle, protect your hormones and see amazing results, without doing extreme exercise every day.

Because the female body cycles through phases, try this:

Estrogen phase (day 1 -14 of your cycle):

– Focus on Strength
– Focus on Speed

Progesterone phase (day 15 – 28 of your cycle):

– Focus on Recovery
– Focus on Flexibility

It might seem counterintuitive to go easier on your body, but this is actually where you will reduce your bodies cortisol response, see more gains and lose weight!

Because cortisol is so important to your results, the best thing you can do is test your hormone levels.

This will give you an idea of how your adrenals are doing and if you need to do some further work to see results.

That’s why I offer the DUTCH test, which you can do from the comfort of your home. To get started, fill out the survey here:

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