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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Eating For Your Cycle BASICS

This is going to be a very general overview, to cover some of the basics. When looking at a typical hormone cycle, we are talking about approximately 28 days.

The estrogen phase of your cycle starts on Day 1 which is marked by your period.

The progesterone phase begins around day 15 after you ovulate and ends around day 28.

Each phase is has a different function in the body. Your estrogen phase is going to typically give you more energy, better digestion and better muscle tissue building to name a few.

Your progesterone phase is completely different. Your digestion slows down, you need more rest (you can feel more fatigue!), and your system responds to stress differently.

Your weight also fluctuates differently throughout these four weeks. You have a different body each week out of your cycle!

So, how does nutrition fit in here?

During your estrogen phase, focus on:

– Carbs
– Cooling

Your body is a carb burning machine during the first two weeks of your cycle. You will want to incorporate a good balance of simple and complex carbs like fruits, sweet potato and gluten free grains, for example.

Because we are following and enhancing our naturally basal body temperatures with nutrition, your estrogen phase is when your temperatures are naturally lower.

This is the cooling phase and you will want to focus on cooling foods and drinks.

During your progesterone phase, focus on:

– Fats
– Warming
– Minerals

Your system needs more fats during this phase. If your body senses a lack of nutrients, it could go into stress mode which in turn causes weight gain.

You also want to lean into the warming foods (hello spices!) during this phase. Your body also needs more minerals in your progesterone phase. Add more electrolytes into your routine!

Leaning into the warming and cooling phases of your cycle will enhance the right balance of hormones for each phase.

This is a huge part of how I coach women through the 12 week program. And guess what? I am opening the waitlist again!!

Too many women reach for the one piece they think they’re missing when really it ends up being 5 or 6 pieces they don’t have. I will help you take all of the pieces of your puzzle and finally put them together for you. We aren’t going to just address macros, or exercise, or hormones, we are going to address it all, at the same time, for you.

Join the waitlist here:

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