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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Do you need a hormone detox?

The things on the list below are not directly related to your cycle. Issues with your cycle are kind of a dead giveaway that you need a hormone detox, whereas these issues are a little harder to pinpoint.

If you’ve been on the pill, had kids, had a big hormonal shift, or any surgery related to hormonal organs, you should probably consider a hormone detox.

There are, however, some less “obvious” symptoms that might need a hormone detox as well:

– you only feel good 2 weeks out of the month: this is a BIG problem. There are so many women who only feel like themselves for half of the month!
– skin: acne
– mood swings
– weight gain
– cravings
– and more…

If any of this relates to you, you should consider getting your hormones tested first. I love the DUTCH test because it gives you such a complete picture – and its a dried urine test that you can do at home! I’ve included a link in the comments.

When considering a hormone detox, its very important to do it in a supported way. I have a very specific detox protocol that I coach women through so that you don’t complete deplete your system along the way.

For more information, join the 12 week program waitlist. This waitlist is filling up quickly, because I only take a limited number of women. I highly individualize my coaching to your needs, so I keep the groups small! Join here:

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