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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Change your macros under stress!

Change your macros under stress!

Stress is the “silent killer” of health and it is rarely the focus for women!

Diet and exercise get all the attention, but stress can be a big reason you are not seeing results.

The good news: you can make some little changes that have a big impact on your stress!

A big one is your nutrition, specifically, your macronutrient breakdown!

You may already know, I am a HUGE fan of eating plenty of protein, carbs and fats, and eating them in alignment with the female cycle.

So what changes under stress?

PROTEIN: Increase your protein by an EXTRA 20+ grams per day! (baseline: match protein grams to your lean body mass)

CARB: match your protein levels!

FAT: 70+ grams per day.

GREENS + ADAPTOGENS: Remember your greens and adaptogens like ashwagandha!

This may seem like A LOT of nutrient – but trust me, your body is burning through those reserves under stress.

So how do you know what the right macro breakdown is for YOUR body?

This is based on your goals, health history, activity, menopause/peri menopause, fertility, lifestyle, and more, which is why I offer one to one coaching.

One to one coaching is designed to provide you with a complete and individualized plan and coaching to reach LONG term results!

The women who I am working with are losing weight, burning fat, getting better sleep, balancing hormone levels, mediating stress, gaining energy and so much more.

If you are tired of letting stress run your life, let’s talk.

Learn more about the 1 to 1 program here:

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