The female health solution podcast

668. How To Reverse A Slow Metabolism (Stop Doing These Things!)

Stop doing these five things! 

You are sabotaging your metabolism and draining your energy dry. 

1️⃣ Ignoring Your Body’s Signals

You know that random pain or nagging headache you dismiss as “nothing”? Guess what? Your body never acts without a reason. Whether it’s joint pain or hormonal discomfort, your body is speaking—listen. 

Women, in particular, experience varying pain sensitivities depending on their menstrual cycle or stage of life (hello, perimenopause!). Pretending these signals don’t exist will only leave you exhausted and depleted over time.

💡 Reset Tip: Pay attention to pain and fatigue. Rest when your body needs it, and don’t push through discomfort.

2️⃣ Eating the Same Every Day

Are you eating the same meals, day in and day out? This strategy works for men but not for women. Our bodies shift throughout the month—nutritional needs increase in the luteal phase (weeks 3-4), especially for calories, fats, and proteins. If you’re eating the same way you did in your 20s or pre-kids, it may no longer serve you now.

💡 Reset Tip: Adjust your nutrition based on your hormonal cycle. Add more protein in your 30s, 40s, and beyond to support metabolic health.

3️⃣ Restricting Calories and Nutrients

Cutting calories to lose weight? That old strategy mostly results in muscle loss and frustration. Muscle loss slows your metabolism, making it even harder to maintain energy and burn fat. Your body isn’t just looking for calories—it needs nutrients to function optimally.

💡 Reset Tip: Focus on long-term muscle maintenance and nourishment, not deprivation. Build muscle gradually for sustained energy and health.

4️⃣ Skipping Sleep to Work Out

Pushing yourself to the gym on little sleep might seem productive, but it actually backfires. Sacrificing sleep leads to exhaustion, muscle breakdown, and a slower metabolism. Quality sleep helps your body repair and build strength. If your life is chaotic (three kids anyone? 🙋‍♀️), find creative ways to incorporate movement rather than forcing yourself through exhausting workouts.

💡 Reset Tip: Prioritize sleep. If you can’t get to the gym, fit in two resistance training sessions per week—one for upper and one for lower body.

5️⃣ Not Taking Mental Breaks

Ladies, let’s talk about mental overload. From managing family schedules to meeting work demands, the pressure to be “on” all day long is draining your nervous system. Your metabolism is directly tied to stress levels, so slowing down isn’t weak—it’s necessary. Finding joy in hobbies, reading, or even a 10-minute walk can help your system reset and bring your energy back.

💡 Reset Tip: Give yourself permission to rest and engage in activities you love. Mental breaks will recharge both your body and metabolism.

To help you turn things around quickly, I’ve got a FREE 5-day reset challenge NEXT WEEK! 🚀

If you’ve felt stuck in your body, struggled with hormonal shifts, or wondered why your energy crashes, this is the perfect opportunity to reset and start fresh. It’s simple, fun, and designed specifically for the female body. 

Join the Free 5 Day Metabolism & Hormone Reset:

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