The female health solution podcast

651. Getting Pregnant With Endometriosis

You absolutely can get pregnant with endometriosis. 

That being said, endo can also be a barrier to pregnancy, and it depends on how severe your tissue growth is, where it’s located and other hormone levels that may be out of balance. 

Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial tissue, which normally lines the inside of the uterus, migrates to other parts of the body. This misplaced tissue can be found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other organs within the pelvic region, causing pain, inflammation and other issues. 

Adenomyosis, on the other hand, occurs when the endometrial tissue embeds itself into the muscle wall of the uterus. This can result in painful cramps, heavy periods, and an enlarged uterus. Women can suffer from either condition or both simultaneously, and they are often associated with other hormonal disorders like PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for women with endometriosis looking to get pregnant. Each woman’s health history, how her body processes and detoxifies estrogen, and overall hormonal balance are unique. Some women may pursue surgery to excise or ablate the endometriosis. 

I do think it is important to get some hormone testing done. The Dutch Test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) provides info on levels and how your body is metabolizing estrogen. For instance, if a specific detox pathway isn’t working properly, addressing that can make a significant difference in managing symptoms and improving fertility.

Fertility tips: 

  1. Hormone Balance and Detoxification: Hormone testing, supplementation and lifestyle changes are key. 

  2. Nutrient Support: Eat for your cycle, boost your protein and support your hormone needs. 

  3. Reduce Inflammation: Diet changes, supplements and stress management. 

  4. Acupuncture and Massage: These therapies can help manage pain, reduce inflammation, and improve lymphatic drainage, which is often impaired in women with endometriosis. There is also fertility specific acupuncture! 

  5. Regular Monitoring: Monitor and adjust your treatment plans based on regular hormone testing and symptom tracking. 

I have worked with a number of women who have navigated this journey successfully. Some have managed to conceive and have healthy pregnancies, while others have significantly improved their symptoms to the point where pregnancy became a viable option. 


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If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]


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