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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Be the Change

As a women’s health professional, it is not only my responsibility but my mission to use my platform for inclusivity.

That is why it is so important to discuss how healthcare is failing WOC. I have addressed this in the past but will be talking, learning and listing about this more.

Creating awareness is one of the first steps to creating change.

Trauma has a compound effect on your body, and we are living through some traumatic times.

I live in Minneapolis and there are SO MANY people hurting. There are so many communities that have been oppressed, and change is happening.

The pandemic that we have all been experiencing is a traumatic event as well.

All of this is heavy.

When women’s bodies are under stress, your cycle, hormones, period, etc can be compromised.

Seeing the trauma from the past, present or even future creates stress in the body and that affects your adrenals and hormones.

I came across some really eye-opening research on this as it relates to WOC. The studies showed that WOC experienced earlier onset of menopause by 2 years, and one of the main causes? Systemic racism.

Let that sink in for a minute.

That is a big deal. It is IMPORTANT for women to know and understand, because there needs to be a change.

If you have more information, you have more power to change your health. Information, for many women, is a form of privilege, but my goal is to continue to make this message as accessible as possible.

Women who are experiencing systemic racism their entire lives are going to experience the effects of stress and trauma in a different way.

For many of us, the trauma in recent events feels never-ending. This is a small taste of what I would imagine it feels like to live in trauma from systemic racism for your whole life.

Dealing with the system is the big issue.

What are some ways that we can empower ourselves and other women to combat the stress?

– listening to the voices of WOC
– working on your overall health
– finding resources to help
– be your own self-advocate

I want to invite you to take advantage of the resources that I have: my Youtube channel: Drbethwestie, my podcast: the Female Health Solution Podcast, my book the Female Fat Solution, and my 12 week program.

I work with women of all different backgrounds, colors and lifestyles and the 12 week program is a SAFE PLACE for everyone.

I will be your ADVOCATE. I want to see each and every one of you take control of your health, even when the system is against you, and share this with other women around the globe.

Join the waitlist for the 12 week program here:

How will you be the change?

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