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Dr. Beth Westie

3 Ways Nutrition Can Decrease Stress


Your nutrition can do so much more than help you lose weight!

Proper nutrition can create a defense system against STRESS.

Stress can derail just about every system in your body, so its VITAL that we decrease stress in multiple ways.

Here are the top 3 ways nutrition can help:

– Increase PROTEIN: Eat more protein! Plant based, animal protein, etc. You need a VARIETY! Shoot for the same amount in grams as your lean body mass (or goal weight!)

– Increase ELECTROLYTES: This will really help your cells upload hydration which is so important to mediate stress! I love Nuun Hydration. Make sure your electrolyte source is CLEAN – no artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, artificial colors, etc.

– Increase FIBER: In terms of digestion, stress cuts down the healthy bacteria in your gut! Fiber is a pre-biotic and helps your bacteria thrive. Keep in mind you need to CHEW more! Chewing is so important to support your digestion.

Now this is super general! If you have any other issues with your hormones, I address these with you INDIVIDUALLY in the 12 week program.

If you are ready to ditch the diets and follow a plan specific to your body and needs, the 12 week program is perfect for you.

I coach you through eating for your cycle, protein pacing, carb cycling, exercise for your cycle, supplement protocol, sleep/stress protocol, and any particular health needs you have!

The BEST way to join the program is through the waitlist. You will receive all the information you need and a priority spot for registration.

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