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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie


We can all agree there is an extra dose of stress going around, right??

Believe it or not, this stress directly impacts your GUT HEALTH…

Even if you are a probiotic queen, and your nutrition is on point, stress can compromise your gut health!

On the other hand, if you already have a health history of negative issues, you are even MORE susceptible.

Are you struggling with any of these?

– Heartburn
– Indigestion
– Constipation/Diarrhea
– Bloat

If so, there are some important steps you need to take to get your gut back on track.

– stress management: meditation, reducing social media/news, movement
– Increase or add probiotics
– digestive enzymes
– apple cider vinegar
– kombucha
– chew your food!
– decrease or remove dairy for a little while
– remove gluten
– remove artificial colors/sweeteners

The most impactful step you can take is to test your stress hormone levels of cortisol! I offer the DUTCH hormone test with a full consultation that is the BEST way to start dealing with stress and hormonal imbalance. Order your test here:

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