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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Let’s talk about PCOS!

Women who suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) typically struggle with gaining weight and holding on to it.

I struggled with PCOS after my third child and had excruciating pain and bursting cysts, so I am very passionate about this subject – its what led me down the path to where I am today!

Women with PCOS are often told “if you just lose the weight, your cysts will get better”, “if you just lose the weight, you will feel better” etc. But its NOT THAT SIMPLE! With PCOS, there are a lot of factors hormonally that impact your ability to lose weight.

It isn’t about motivation or willpower!

In addition to addressing the estrogen/progesterone levels, these are three things you will need to focus on with weight loss:

  • Insulin Resistance: this means your blood sugar levels are not regulated! This can cause cravings and fatigue. Your system will often crave carbs because you feel like you are running out of energy!
  • Cortisol levels increased: your fat cells love cortisol! Your body thinks you don’t have enough so it keeps creating more, which can lead to inflammation and weight gain.
  • Testosterone levels increase: this can cause facial hair and body hair! It also triggers BELLY FAT.

One of the first things I recommend, is to test these hormone levels with the DUTCH test. This is the test I send right to your house and then it goes to the lab and we can go over the results together.

When it comes to healing the PCOS, it’s so important to incorporate protein pacing, correct movement, supplements, rest and hormone detox into your routine.

The 12 week program is designed to coach you through each of these steps in a manageable way. We will be opening registration next week and the waitlist has first priority, since I limit the size of the groups!

If you are ready to start resolving your hormonal and weight issues, join the waitlist now:

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