The majority of women experience a physical shift in their body before the onset of their period, and many of them have extreme symptoms! It is so important for anyone going through this to know that it is real and they are not crazy. 

Pretty much everyone is familiar with the term PMS, but PMDD is not as well known. PMDD stands for “Pre-menstrual Dysphoric Disorder”, which is essentially extreme PMS. 

Classic PMS symptoms:

With PMS you can still navigate your day, maybe tweak some things for your body so you are able to function. With PMDD, it is such an extreme shift (physical and/or mental) that it disrupts your day. PMDD mood swings are extreme and it feels like you are trapped. But as soon as your period starts, you are fine. It can make you feel crazy! But you are not crazy – your hormones are imbalanced, and this affects your brain. 

A great way to start working on this is to target both the stress effect of the hormones on the brain as well as working with your body to flush out extra hormones. 

I work with women struggling with PMDD and PMS in the 12 week program. Every time I start a new round of the program, I run into women who are struggling with these issues and it is seriously affecting their quality of life. The 12 week program is designed to be individual to your needs and issues, so we can target this together! 

Because the program is so individualized, I only take a small group of women each time, so if you are interested, join the waitlist now! You will get details on the program and be the first to know when registration opens.

12 week program waitlist:

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