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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Weight loss doesn’t come from ONE thing

I see this ALL the time:

“Take this pill to lose 10 lb”
“Start this workout to get the body you always wanted”
“Just stop eating carbs to lose weight”
“Cut your calories and you will achieve the perfect body”

Sound familiar?! This is how the health & fitness industry makes billions of dollars and yet women still can’t lose the weight, feel good in their bodies, or heal their hormones.

That’s because there isn’t just ONE thing that causes weight loss.
Or health.
Or energy.
Or a faster metabolism.

The human body, the FEMALE body, is complex. You experience four different “bodies” throughout one month alone!

So the approach that will actually support long term results, includes multiple areas of focus. The following list are some things to think about when it comes to a holistic weight loss approach (this list is not comprehensive either):

– “Clean” eating
– Exercise
– Supplements
– Stress management
– Sleep
– Hormone Balance
– Fasting (for the female body)
– Detoxing (gut & hormones)
– Carb Cycling
– Protein Pacing

In the 12 week program, I include over 8 different approaches to boosting metabolism for women! And the results are incredible. This is not a crash diet or restrictive plan to drop weight quickly – this plan is designed to provide sustainable results AND teach you how to enjoy food and your body!

One of the best options for healing your body and relationship with food is my 12 week program. *I only run this program 4 times a year!* I also only take a limited number of women per group, because it is so individualized.

If you want an opportunity to reach your health goals & balance your hormones in one of these 12 week groups, the best way to get started is to join the waitlist. The waitlist will give you all the information about the upcoming 12 week challenge and what you can expect.

Spots are limited, so get started today:

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