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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

Why is it hard for women to lose weight?

DID YOU KNOW….Women have completely different bodies hormonally every single week of the month! When we are looking at the female body, we can split the monthly cycle into 4 weeks.

Week one – estrogen is just starting to rise. Estrogen’s job is to support muscle building, energy increase, and boosted metabolism.

Week two – estrogen usually reaches its peak and this is typically when women feel their best. More energy, mental clarity, muscle building, and increased positive moods.

Week three – estrogen starts to drop and progesterone starts to rise. When progesterone starts to peak, women might have a harder time with their hormones. This can also merge into week four.

Week four – progesterone is dominant and starting to lower again. The female body can have a hard time with low energy and muscle decrease during this time. Mood swings are also common during this week as well.

And then the cycle begins again! There is a ton of variety in symptoms that women experience throughout the month and it should be no surprise that standardized diets and exercise don’t work for the female body! The male body can sustain results with a non-varied plan, but the female body cannot.

This can be super discouraging, until you realize, there is actually a way to work with your body and support the hormonal rhythms with your diet, exercise and lifestyle! Long term results are achievable with the right steps that are individual to YOU.

This is exactly what I coach women through. I look at hormonal levels, cycle symptoms, health history, nutrition, exercise, sleep, mood… everything! to make sure your body is supported and balanced.

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