The female health solution podcast

666. How To Start Loving Yourself & Reconnect With Your Body

Have you lost touch with your body? 

It’s so easy in a world where we’re frequently told to push through pain, ignore discomfort, and “suck it up.”

Think about this: how many times have you felt something was wrong, only to be told, “You’re fine, you’re just tired,” or “That’s normal for women”? Maybe you experienced digestive issues, unbearable period pain, or chronic fatigue, but were made to feel like you were overreacting. 

You might have even started to question yourself, wondering if it was all in your head.

I want you to know, it’s not.

It’s time to reconnect with your body. To listen to it and trust what it’s telling you. The pain, the fatigue, the discomfort—these are all signals from your body trying to communicate with you. 

Here’s the truth: Your body never does anything without a reason. And you owe it to yourself to start listening.

One of the most powerful tools in regaining trust in your body is data. Hormone tests like the Dutch test or GI mapping can give you the black-and-white proof you need to validate your experiences. These tests show what’s really going on with your health. 

Time and again, women tell me, “I don’t feel crazy anymore” after seeing their test results. You shouldn’t have to wait for outside validation, but when it’s been denied for so long, those numbers can provide the proof you need to advocate for yourself.

If you’re curious about tools like hormone testing or are ready to start the journey of reconnecting with your body, I’m here to help. 

Let’s connect!



If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]


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