The female health solution podcast

646. Signs You Are Gluten Intolerant & My Gluten Free Journey

What’s the big deal about gluten? I’ve been gluten free for many years and in many ways it saved my health, but let me give you some background. 

Gluten is a binding protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. It’s what gives dough its elasticity and bread its chewy texture. Gluten can trigger a severe autoimmune response (celiac disease) or other unpleasant symptoms, like bowel issues, skin issues, fatigue, etc. 

My story with gluten sensitivity began in my high school and college years. As a three-sport athlete, I often experienced severe stomach issues. My stomach would bloat painfully after meals, and I’d wake up with a flat stomach only to have it bloat again by the end of the day. I also suffered from gas, constipation, and diarrhea intermittently.

Even with a balanced diet, I had other concerning health issues: constant cavities despite rigorous dental hygiene, anemia, and frequent illnesses like mono, pneumonia, and bronchitis. I was also on antibiotics a lot, which further disrupted my gut health. It wasn’t until grad school that I stumbled upon an article that described symptoms identical to mine and attributed them to gluten.

So I went gluten free. Within three days, I noticed a significant improvement in my stomach issues. By the end of the week, I knew I couldn’t go back to consuming gluten. Over time, other aspects of my health improved: my nails and hair became stronger, my skin cleared up, I stopped getting cavities, and my anemia resolved. My energy levels improved, and I stopped experiencing the constant stomach pain and discomfort.

Going gluten-free isn’t just about avoiding bread and pasta. You have to consider cross-contamination in kitchens, both at home and in restaurants. Even small amounts of gluten can trigger symptoms – this has led me to thoroughly clean and sterilize my kitchen and be extremely cautious when dining out.

Here are some of the benefits of going GF: 

  • Reduced inflammation
  • improved gut health
  • alleviation of gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Improved skin 
  • More energy

Testing for gluten sensitivity can be complex, but ultimately, it comes down to how you feel. If you feel better after eliminating gluten, you’re on the right track.

I’d love to hear your gluten-free stories. Have you had similar experiences? It’s much better now than it was 20 years ago, but sharing helps us all feel less crazy. 

Let’s connect!



If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected]


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