The female health solution podcast

632. My PCOS Journey & How I Got Rid Of My Cysts

My journey with PCOS began after the birth of my third child. My issues started post-pregnancy, with the onset of thyroid problems after each of my three children’s births, all delivered via emergency C-sections. After my youngest was born prematurely, I began experiencing excruciating pain caused by ovarian cysts.

The pain from the cysts was debilitating. I vividly remember collapsing in my bathroom from the stabbing pain, thinking something was seriously wrong with my C-section scar. After multiple episodes and many frustrating visits to multiple doctors, I was told to just go on birth control or take painkillers – band aids that didn’t address the root issue. 

The worst advice I got (from a male doctor no less) — to get pregnant again to avoid cysts — was the catalyst for me to take control and find natural solutions myself.

I began researching the female cycle, eating for my cycle and focusing on hormone patterns. This included implementing seed cycling and matching my foods to the different phases of my cycle. 

The next layer was focusing on my excess estrogen. I worked on detoxing and supporting my liver and gut health. Along with this came a focus on stress and cortisol. Over the years, I’ve continued to research and implement tools to support my hormone levels. This consistency has paid off – I haven’t had a cyst in over 12 years! 

As I approach menopause, I am focused on building muscle and maintaining my metabolic health. PCOS is a metabolic issue, and it requires ongoing management, especially as hormonal changes come with age.

Here are some takeaways if you are struggling with PCOS: 

Addressing PCOS requires looking at your overall health, not just reproductive symptoms. This includes diet, stress management, and supporting your body’s natural detox processes.

Regular hormone testing, such DUTCH testing (a comprehensive dried urine test for hormones), will give you the info you need to pin-point certain hormone levels and see what’s working.

Your body’s needs change over time, especially with life events and aging. Be prepared to adjust and adapt with your body. 

Everyone with PCOS has a unique experience. Get to know your own body and work with professionals who listen and validate you. If you have any questions on PCOS or hormone testing, feel free to reach out! 

Hang out with me: 



If you have questions or just want to connect, shoot me a DM on instagram @drbethwestie or [email protected] 


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