The female health solution podcast

626. My Workout Schedule for Fat Loss and Stress Management

I used to believe that fat loss and stress management were two separate parts of my health journey. 

That was until I understood how the female body works… 

Stress plays a major role in fat storage for better or worse. Simplified, less stress can lead to less fat, and more stress to more fat. 

Let’s talk about fitness and workouts specifically. Here’s the workout protocol I follow for fat loss: 

  • Daily Walks before or after breakfast – casual pace for nervous system regulation

  • Weight lifting (higher intensity in my estrogen phase/first half of my cycle) 

  • Yoga (primarily in my progesterone phase/second half of my cycle) 

  • 170g of protein (I’m 6’2”, so your protein goals will probably be different) 

If your cortisol is completely off track (either too high or too low), it’s important to focus on that first, so that your workouts aren’t working against you. If you’d like to check your levels, you can get started with a DUTCH test. 


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