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Picture of Dr. Beth Westie

Dr. Beth Westie

6 Ways to Decrease Belly Bloat

We have all come face to face with the dreaded belly bloat.

There are many causes of belly bloat (hormonal, stress, gut health, nutrition, supplements, etc) and it can be hard to self-diagnose the exact root cause!

That being said, here are some of my favorite *general* tips for reducing belly bloat:

Apple Cider Vinegar
Digestive Enzymes
Clean eating (no artificial)
Electrolytes – hydrate
No gluten, dairy or soy

If you have specific food allergies/sensitivities or hormonal issues, those can also cause belly bloat! This is why individual testing and coaching is so beneficial. That’s exactly why I offer the 12 week program.

It takes 12 weeks for the female cycle to really adapt to lifestyle changes and see big, long term results. If you are ready to crush the belly bloat, hormonal imbalance and cycle issues once and for all, join the 12 week challenge.

We are almost completely full, so grab one of the last spots today! If you are interested, but have some lingering questions, are want to know exactly how this will work for YOU, schedule a free call with my team here:

OR text your questions to 651-314-9424 and I will get back to you!

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