The female health solution podcast

137. Strategies for Anxiety Management with Dr. Carly Crewe

Dr. Carly Crewe is a small town family doctor in rural Alberta, a mother to twin 2 year old girls and an anxiety coach who helps moms move from overwhelm and anxiety to calm and in control.

  Before children, Carly was successful in her education and became a physician by age 30. Following the birth of her twins, Carly was struck with incredible crushing anxiety both postpartum and beyond. After using many different strategies to overcome and manage her mood disorder, Carly began seeing the same things over and over in her office. She began working with women closely to help them go through the same strategies she herself employed to become well again. In 2019, she decided to take her work online and began coaching to help even more moms with her methods and message. 

She uses her expertise as a medical doctor and her personal experience as a mom to help other moms feel more in control of their life, overcome their anxiety and be the best mom they can be.  Carly runs a niche practice in her medical clinic that specializes in the medical treatment of depression and anxiety in women along with full scale family practice.

Carly also runs support groups for mothers struggling with all of the confusing emotions related to motherhood. In her coaching business, she works with clients closely to help them learn practical tools to manage their anxiety, find their own voice through assertiveness skills and finally overcome the mom chaos!

She also specializes in drug-free solutions for insomnia and sleep difficulties. 

Carly is your funny, down-to- earth bestie and professional doctor wrapped up in one.

Find Carly: 

@carlycrewe on Instagram

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